Faith-Based Learning
Some of the most profound truths of faith are found in the simplest, sing-song messages: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” “Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let this food to us be blessed.” “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.” “I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart …”
On the surface, these may seem like just simplistic little songs. But they actually integrate some of the most powerful ways to learn that God designed us with: rhythm, rhyme, and repetition!
Foundations In Wisdom has developed a faith-based series of learning resources that draw from a list of everyday forms of child’s play to instill truths for grown-up good. With our faith-based learning and teaching program, you can expect easy-to-use activities like books and puppets, poetry and music, rhythmical movement and dance, body percussion and clapping, motions and sign language. Most of all, you can expect your children to love to learn!
With engaging activities, Wisdom for Little Lambs lays a foundation of faith in even the youngest children from birth to five years.
Power Phonics extends the conceptual learning of Wisdom for Little Lambs with twenty-six letter songs which carry a deeper meaning to learning the alphabet.
“Rondo Fun Time! Books 1 and 2 teach academic skills in an engaging, positive way. Faith and Family (Book 3) puts fun into helping children learn cornerstone concepts about God’s character and our responses to Him. It also includes basic character qualities of caring, showing respect, and being honest.
Intrigued? Check out our video and discover what Foundations In Wisdom is truly about!
And remember: Let’s teach them what they need to know MOST in ways they learn BEST!